Interview with the Communist Party of India (Maoist) a.k.a. the Naxalites
The following is an interview with Comrade Abhay, the Spokesperson of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist). The CPI (Maoist) is one of the largest and most successful communist parties in the world, being described as the Indian state’s biggest existential threat and having liberated vast swathes of the Indian countryside. This interview will discuss their history and their practice.
Q: Could you please give us, in brief, a short historical background on the people’s war in India?
A: It is a good question; it will require a detailed description. I am presenting this. The history of CPI (Maoist) representing the two main Maoist streams in India, is deeply rooted in the resounding period of ’60s. It was the period during which the two outstanding and front-ranking leaders of our two streams–comrades Charu Majumdar and Kanhai Chatarjee — emerged on the scene in the course of applying MLM to the concrete conditions of India and by fighting, exposing and breaking from the age-old revisionism of the CPI
and CPI(M) brand. The great Naxalbari revolt led by comrade CM in May 1967 proved to be the clarion call of ‘Spring Thunder over India’.
The Naxalbari movement was suppressed by the government within a few months. But, it impacted Indian society greatly. Naxalbari type movements raised in Srikakulam of Andhrapradesh Mushahari of Bihar, Lakhimpur-keri of Utharpradesh, Bhirboom, Gopi vallabapoor, Kanksha, Budh Budh, Sonarpoor of west Bengal,Dharmapuri of Tamilnadu and Kerala.
Facing severe repression and due to tactical mistakes, the movement had been got into setback. After initial setback, we analyzed the positive and negative aspects of the Naxalbari movement. We made a ‘’self-critical review’’. It was a guideline to the movement, which re-emerged after the initial setback. Basing up on self-critical review we recognized the mistakes like left adventurist actions without Mass participations and view against mass organizations. These trends raised in the struggle against revisionism. The lessons, experiences got from the Naxalbari movement had been educated in the entire party and remoulded the rank and file. In 1980 CPI (ML) (People’s war) formed comprising Andhrapradesh, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, and Maharastra states. At the same time CPI (ML) (Party Unity) established in Bihar and Jharkhand. MCCI developed the movement in Kanksha and Sonarpoor of Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand and some parts of North-Eastern area. These parties in the years of 1974–80 took class analysis and recognized Semi-colonial and Semi feudal relations of production in Indian society. Gave slogans like land to the tiller and political power to the revolutionary peasant committee. Mass organizations like revolutionary student unions, revolutionary youth front, revolutionary women’s committees and workers unions were established. Besides that, intellectuals, writers and artists were organized and mobilized in an effective method. Mass upsurge was raised under the leadership of these unions. They were famously known as Jagithyala peasant March in Andhrapradesh and armed agrarian mass upsurge in Jahanabad, Hazaribagh Gaya, Aurangabad in Bihar. Those movements get strengthened and extended to Jharkhand and Dandakaranya (Chattisgarh, Orissa some parts of Maharastra). In 1990, we held the conference of revolutionary peasant committee with 10 lakh people in Warangal of Andhra Pradesh. Besides the mass movements, armed squads were also formed as the embryo form of the people’s army. Presently the PLGA. Now we have platoons, companies and battalions. These are mainly concentrated in military front and also working in mas work production activities of people and political propaganda. Unity talks took place among these three parties since 1980 but not materialized due to some differences of political and ideological. In 1998 CPI (ML) (Party Unity) merged into CPI (ML) (People’s War). Basing upon the synthesis of all the positive points in the documents of two erstwhile parties, as well as their experiences in the course of waging the peoples war, fighting against revisionism and right and left opportunist trends in the Indian and international communist movement and building stable and consistent revolutionary movement in various parts our country. The Unity of CPI (ML) People’s War and MCCI had been took place in 2004. The result is the formation of CPI (Maoist). Thus the country wide revolutionary party has been established. We conducted a unity congress in 2007 successfully.
In the long history of our party, we encountered internal crises in 1985, 1992, 1997. We resolved these crises through discussions and ideological and political struggle in the form of democratic centralism with synthesis and conclusions in conferences and congress. Through this political struggle in the party, the leadership and cadre enriched with rich experiences and evolved as a strong leadership and achieved unity in the party.
It has been more than half a century since the Naxalbari Peasant Armed struggle. There are considerable changes in the economic, social, political, military, technical, cultural and other fields across the world. The loot of colonies and semi — colonies, the merging of Socialist markets in their economy or the LPG policies could not help the imperialists from economic crises like the Great Depression. The fundamental contradictions in the imperialist system intensified further. Regional wars/wars of occupation intensified among the imperialists for world hegemony, competition for redivision of markets, re-organizations and heavy allotments for military budgets. They collaborated in suppressing revolutionary movements and the just national liberation movements. They intensified exploitation and suppression of the working class and the people of the semi-colonial and colonial countries.
New Democratic Revolutions and National Liberation movements continued in semi-colonial and neo-colonial countries in spite of any number of ups and downs, fighting against the imperialist-sponsored counter-revolutionary Low Intensity Conflict (LIC) strategy.
This is the background of the ongoing Protracted People’s War in the leadership of CPI (Maoist) in India.
Q: Which stage is the people’s war in India in currently? Defensive, equilibrium or offensive?
A: The People’s War in India is presently in the stage of ‘Strategic Defensive’. Our Party understands that this would take a considerably long time to reach the next stage, given the particularities of the country and the overall situation of the world. The basic document of our Party ‘Strategy and Tactics of Indian Revolution’ says thus — ‘…Commencing the war with guerrilla warfare and then going through the forms of mobile and positional warfare will resolve the question of state power…
‘The experience of past victorious revolutions of other countries reveals the fact that in a protracted people’s war, the first stage will last longer. The stage of strategic stalemate and the stage of strategic offensive, which follow it, will end in a comparatively shorter time. However, changing into the second and third stages mainly depends on domestic and international situation…
‘…mobile warfare which possesses the elementary features of regular warfare, will have the ability to annihilate the enemy forces in a big way. By thus wiping out the enemy forces on a big scale, this will serve as a key to gain the upper-hand over the enemy and for transforming the war from the stage of strategic defensive to the stage of strategic stalemate or equilibrium and from the stage of strategic equilibrium to the stage of strategic counter-offensive…’
Our Party, the People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA) and the organs of United Front in its leadership are working in the respective sectors with this understanding, with a firm strategy and formulating tactics according to the existing political conditions.
Q: Since 2009, the Indian reactionary government has led a renewed offensive against the forces of the Indian Revolution. Could you explain to our readers more about the tactics used to suppress the people and how the Revolutionary Forces have been resisting Operation Green Hunt?
A: Firstly I wish to say that OGH stopped in its form in 2017 due to bitter resistance from the people under the leadership of the ‘Forum against War On People’ and solidarity from all over the world. In 2017 a new strategic offensive ‘SAMADHAN’ (S-Smart Leadership, A-Aggressive Leadership, MMotivation and Training, A–Actionable intelligence, D-Data base, H-Use of technology, A-Action plan for each scenario, N-No access to financing) has begun. I will explain in detail.
The Maoist People’s War has been facing repression in various forms since its inception in 1980s. Repression varied in stages and forms in various states and areas across the country. United Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhandwitnessed even murderous gangs. prior to 2009 September when the Indian state started the Operation Green Hunt, the party fought back the repressive measures including Salwa Judum (Collective Hunting) in Dandakaranya and Sendra (Pseudo Peace) in Jharkhand. Counter revolutionary gangs were organized under different names in different states and utilised in Counter guerrilla operations. After the defeat of Salwa Judum in Dandakaranya (Chhattisgarh) the SPOs (Special Police Officer) of the campaign were turned into Koya (Tribal) Commando force. Grameen Ekta Manch (Village Unity Forum), TPC, JJMP, JPC, Pahadi Cheetah, then JLT and now PLFI, SPM, Gram Raksha Dal (Village Defense Squad), Santi Sena (Peace Army) were formed in Bihar-Jharkhand after the defeat of Sendra, Nagarik Suraksha Samiti (Citizens Security Councel), Dalma Aanchalik Suraksha Samiti (Dalma Regeional Security Councel) , the Harmad Vahini of the social fascist CPM, the Bhairav Vahini of TMC, Maovadi Daman Sena (Maoist suppression force), Gan Pratirodh Committee (People’s Resistance Committee) in West Bung, Peace Committee in Odisha and other such counter revolutionary forces were propped. Then the state took up OGH (Operation Green Hunt).
OGH was launched at a time when the Central and the state governments started making umpteen number of MoUs with several foreign companies and imperialist MNCs. OGH was termed to be ‘war on the people’ by many. OGH clearly brought forth four main forms mentioned in the Counter-Insurgency Operations of the Low Intensity Conflict (LIC). They are — Rise in Armed forces, Informer and covert network, Reforms and Psychological warfare. Apart from this, there were fortification of police stations and camps, infrastructure like roads, mobile towers, railways and other such things that facilitated the state to unleash repressive measures.
The UPA-2 government formulated the counter revolutionary OGH more concretely and widely applying the LIC strategy and tactics with the direct intervention of the US intelligence organization FBI in order to facilitate the way for the exploitation of the domestic comprador bureaucratic corporate companies and foreign MNCs. Ban on our Party was extended and party was declared as a terrorist organization. This war first started in areas where our mass base and formations and strength was comparatively less. Operations were taken up in clear, hold, build and develop phases. Special Commando forces like COBRA (Combat Battalion for Resolute Action) in the Para-military Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Special Intelligence Bureau (SIB), Special Commando forces such as Greyhounds, STF, Black Panthers, SOG, SAP, DVF, Jaguar in various states. Carpet security was strengthened. The government is planning to construct hundreds of fortified police stations and camps. Roads, cell phone towers were taken up in a big way. Informer-covert network was strengthened. Counter guerrilla operations were intensified with the motive to face the guerrilla as a guerrilla. Roads, schools, hospitals and electricity were taken up in 34 districts in the name of ‘Integrated Action Plan’ (IAP) at a cost of Rs.13,742 crores in the leadership of the Central Planning Commission claiming development in Naxal influenced areas.
In the first phase of OGH large numbers of COBRA and other Para-military forces and Special Commando forces of the states were deployed. People were massacred in incidents such as Singaram, Palachelima, Gattapad, Endapad, Saatnar, Chinari, Vechapal, Gachampalli, Gompad, Rangayyagooda, Ongnar in Dandakaranya (DK), Taadko, Laadi, Badhaniya, Phulvariya-Kodasi, Gobardaha and other such by TPC, the killing of ten comrades on the border of Khagadiya-Munger by River Ganga through poison in Bihar-Jharkhand (BJ), in Khas jungle, Chikurdanga, Boyara, Chedabani, Bandarbani, Dooli (Ranja), Metla, Baarikool in Lalgarh in West Bung, Gunjivada and Narayanapatna in AOB, Padkipal in Odisha and other such incidents in a bid to end people’s struggles. There were large scale arrests, tortures, atrocities on women, burning of people’s houses and properties and other such destruction. There were attacks on PLGA.
In the first phase, the Party led PLGA, Revolutionary Mass Organisations, people, democrats to resist the enemy unitedly in the guerrilla zones and urban areas. There was protest to OGH in many countries of the world. Due to pressure from people’s resistance the central government started the drama of talks. The deception in the proposal for talks was revealed in the murder of Polit Bureau member Comrade Azad in a fake encounter and the arrests of other leaders. Our party faced considerable losses in this phase. But PLGA gave few blows to the enemy. In some areas we had to step back in the flush out operations of the enemy. The PLGA also took up few big attacks and gave severe blow to the enemy such as in Silda of West Bung in 2010 February on Eastern Frontier Rifles in which 24 policemen were wiped out. A company of the CRPF was eliminated in Mukaram-Tadimetla in DK in 2010 April. There are other incidents in which PLGA successfully fought back the encirclement of the enemy forces in Mamail of West Singhbhum district of Jharkhand in 2010 June in continuous several hours of battle, the retaliation of encirclement operation in Saranda of the same state in 2010 September and other such. The first phase of OGH ended in 2010 September.
The enemy forces were temporarily demoralized with these incidents. The state realized that Para-military forces are not enough to counter the Maoist movement and planned to deploy the Army and the Air Force. In the second phase of OGH the state took several measures to raise the morale of the armed forces. A Sub-area Command Headquarters was formed in Raipur, the capital city of Chhattisgarh (most of the Dandakaranya Special Zone comprises districts of Chhattisgarh apart from Maharashtra) in 2010 May in the leadership of the Central Command of the Indian Army. In June the Cabinet committee of security affairs in the leadership of the Prime Minister approved the preparations for the deployment of Army in Chhattisgarh. It decided to deploy 60 thousand Army and Air Force in the Naxal influenced areas said to be the Red corridor. This apart the Indian Army planned to deploy eight Battalions of Rashtriya Rifles, a department of
counter insurgency of the Army in Chhattisgarh. In June the central government decided to form Unified Commands in four states and to appoint retired major general officers as advisers to these Commands and thus improve C4. Construction of 400 fortified police stations and camps were started on war footing to strengthen carpet security. 75 thousand personnel were recruited into the Para-military forces in a bid to eliminate the revolutionary movement. It was also decided to form 34 Indian Reserve Battalions and appoint 16 thousand SPOs in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The number in the camp/police stations was raised to 400–500. Intelligence was strengthened in CRPF and BSF. Unified Commands were formed in the guidance of Central Home Ministry for better coordination of the central and the state forces. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was formulated to facilitate cooperation from the local forces to the central forces. Appointment of SPOs was planned in a stricter manner. More secret counter revolutionary groups, forces, organisations and campaigns were consolidated and coordinated with the central and the state forces.
Fake reforms were intensified in the areas of the movement. IAP was extended to 82 districts. New surrender policies and rewards for leaders were announced. Large scale plans were made for roads and communication network. Informer-covert network was strengthened. So many counter insurgency training schools were increased. The state police forces and counter revolutionary gangs were imparted phase wise training and allowances and other facilities were provided. There were out of turn promotions, hike in compensation in case of loss of life in our PLGA attacks up to 28 lakh rupees per head from the central government apart from that of the state government.
Thus started the second phase of OGH with new strategy and tactics in 2011 that continued up to 2014 May. The Unified Commands were extended to all states that facilitated better coordination between the central and the state Preparations were intensified to deploy Army and Air Force in DK and BJ areas. Construction of large number of helipads and run ways were taken up. Construction of Air bases was taken up in Chhattisgarh, Vidarbha, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha for aerial attacks and support to ground forces.
There was large scale protest from democratic and civil rights organisations and also environmentalists to the proposal to deploy Army. The state temporarily held back the deployment of Army with the understanding that the Naxalite problem can be controlled without the Army with the help of Greyhound kind of Commando forces, keeping in view the experiences of Andhra Pradesh. However the government brought forth a scheme to permanently deploy the Army by allotting 750 sq. of land in Maad hills in Chhattisgarh. The area is the residence of one of the most primitive tribal communities, Mariah Gond (Local Tribal Community) that is becoming extinct.
During this period the mass base was decreased due to the several shortcomings, weaknesses in the party and the ceaseless enemy offensive on the party and the revolutionary movement. The state utilized our weaknesses and intensified attack. There was a rise in combing operations, neutralizing operations and flush out operations. As a part of OGH there were Operation Anaconda-1 and 2 in Saranda area of Jharkhand, Operation Octopus in Latehar district, Operation Thunder in Jhumra Upper Ghats of Bokaro district, Operation Marangdev in Palamu and Gadhava districts, Operation Sarvnash in Jamui and Banka districts, Operation Haka, Vijay and other such in Dandakaranya, several operations in Bihar, AOB, Odisha, Chhattisgarh-Odishaborder, West Bung, Telangana, Karnataka-Tamil Nadu-Kerala in the Western Ghats. In these operations the armed forces of the central and the state governments entered the interior areas and created losses to us. There were large scale arrests, tortures, atrocities on women and destruction of properties of the people. Seizing of properties of revolutionaries was one new way like in the colonial period. The prisons were filled with revolutionaries and people. There were around 20 massacres in Dandarkaranya, Jharkhand, AOB and Odisha. Counter-revolutionary gangs were further activated that worked separately or together with the police forces.
These attacks in the second phase also forced us to step back in some areas. In Jharkhand a fake development scheme ‘Saranda Action Plan’ was brought forth in Saranda area bordering the state of Odisha and there was a constant ill propaganda that the Maoists were totally eliminated in the area. As a part of Psy war, this was shown to be a great model and that such Action Plans would be unleashed in all the areas of the movement.
The central forces and the state forces were together engaged in heavy Area domination operations. The operation in the end of December 2013 is one such taken up in all the states of the revolutionary movement all over the country. Battalion and Brigade level forces are taking part in such attacks. These operations were aimed to give a blow to the strategic areas of the revolutionary movement, delink and dis-coordinate them, create many hurdles and unfavorable conditions for the PLGA forces in making guerrilla war and to defeat the fighting capacity of the PLGA. During this time the state could give us blows in information based attacks.
The time period of IAP was extended to three years and more funds were released in 2013. Another program of security for livelihood was introduced. ‘Roshini’ the scheme to provide jobs for youth was extended from 2 districts (Sukma in Chhattisgarh and West Singhbhum of Jharkhand) to 24 districts. Several schemes were introduced to distance the students and the youth from the movement. Fake surrender policy was developed. Weak elements of the party were subdued. Hundreds of villagers and militia members were shown to have been surrendered.
Coming to political attack, there was propaganda that — Socialism andCommunism are outdated; those cannot achieve success; revolutionary movement shall be totally smashed in 10 years; since you cannot win leave the movement and join the police; trying to turn them into informers and soon. It was also propagated that differences are existing in the party. There were attempts to divide the tribal and the non-tribal cadres, between those from AP and CG in DK, between those from Odisha and DK in Odisha, between Yadav and Ganjhu in Bihar and Jharkhand. As a result of this, we have incurred some losses.
The 4th meeting of the CC in 2013 assessed that the movement is in a difficult condition and formulated tactics to overcome the same.
There was slight improvement in the resistance of PLGA in 2012 and 2013 but not to the necessary extent. So large numbers of forces started penetrating the interior areas. Helicopters and drones were increasingly used. There was a rise in enemy offensive. Armed forces of the enemy started taking up Civic Action Program (CAP) to deceive the people. This kind of offensive went on for three and a half years but the constant guerrilla actions of PLGA forced the enemy to deploy more forces in our areas, to decentralize their forces in the broad areas. They could not deploy forces as per their wish in the vital areas. As a result we could contain the enemy offensive in the vital areas to an extent.
The third phase of OGH started from 2014 June. Hindutva fascist forces came to power in the leadership of Modi in 2014 May that gave more momentum to the enemy offensive on the revolutionary movement. All the Parliamentary parties in power including the revisionist CPI and the CPM in the centre and the states together formulated new schemes to eliminate the development of our party and the revolutionary movement which is an alternate force in the country. They started to implement imperialist sponsored reforms in a very aggressive manner. They increased Central Paramilitary forces and Reserve Battalions in the states. Local tribal youth were recruited into the Special police, Para-military forces and the Indian Army. 37 Indian/Special Indian Reserve Battalions were deployed apart from the already deployed 106 Para-military battalions (9 of them are COBRA battalions). And more were planned. 20 thousand police jobs were filled in Jharkhand. The ex-Maoists were recruited into the police forces. The CRPF deployed two Woman Commando batches with 35 each in Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. Jharkhand Adivasi (meaning tribal) Pahadiya (meaning hill) Battalion was planned. The Bihar government recruited one thousand tribal women in the areas of the movement. Carpet security was strengthened and more police stations and camps were fortified. 400 police stations and camps were fortified in the areas of the movement. 16 police stations were fortified in the newly opened Tri-junction area constituting of three southern states. Battle field hospital was formed for the first time in Chintalnar of Sukma district. The police forces are imparted field training.
Crores of rupees were spent on intelligence network. Area domination, Long Range Patrolling and other such operations were taken up in the interior areas basing on information through the intelligence system. Inter-district, inter-state joint operations and the joint operations of the various police, military, Commando forces, SPOs, secret murderous gangs became a normal feature. Attacks on our guerrilla bases intensified. Helicopters were increasingly used and rehearsals made for night attacks. Leadership was targeted. Surveillance on mobile phones increased. A special Android mobile App was released together by the Anti-Naxal department, Infotech, Biotech Promotion Society (Chips) to strengthen intelligence in CG. This helped them to increase attacks, arrests and encounters in the areas of revolutionary movement.
Surrender policy helped the officers to secure money and ordinary people were forced to surrender. ‘Surrender for job’ was announced in a bid to demoralize the revolutionary people and well-wishers.
The enemy took hold of an area that became weak and took up build operations. The government machinery is rebuilt and made permanent so as to see that revolutionary movement does not strengthen again. Roads, Communications, electricity, irrigation are set up to facilitate the loot of resources. Schools, community buildings, Anganwadis and health centres are paid attention to help the camps. A policy to provide road contracts for local people was taken up with the evil plan at the cost of Rs. 2 crores in the name of employment for the youth. Youth are mobilized in the name of training in various skills and job and developed for intelligence. The Kerala government started another new scheme to distribute food material at Rs.100 per person.
Action Plans in the lines of ‘Saranda Action Plan’ was taken up in other parts of Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Gadchiroli of Maharashtra. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program was taken up by the MNC-Corporate enterprises and Companies to dissipate the anger of the people towards exploitation and oppression. An amount of around Rs.800 crores was spent on reforms in the areas of the movement. Tourism was encouraged.
Any kind of protest and resistance is curbed. Intellectuals, democrats and social activists are propagated to be utmost dangerous than the PLGA forces. In a bid to delink the urban and the rural movement, many were branded ‘Maoist’ in the urban network and foisted with ‘UAPA’ (Unlawful Activities Prevention Act) and sedition. Army officers have been guiding the counter insurgency operations taken up by the police and the Para-military forces. Counter-terrorism jungle warfare schools were increased and thousands of police and Para-military forces were imparted training. The US Consulate officers visited the areas of the revolutionary movement and jungle warfare schools and held discussions with the central and the state governments.
Mission-2016 and Mission-2017 were adopted in the respective years. We intensified our political, military and organisational effort all over the country and could contain them to an extent. The People’s War-Guerrilla War that resisted the counter revolutionary war of the exploitive ruling classes is vital among them. We also took up people’s struggles on the daily and fundamental problems. We enhanced the activities of united activity, intensified-widened anti-displacement struggles and all these contributed a lot in fighting back the enemy offensive. On the other hand the party took up Leadership Training Programs (LTP) and Military Leadership Training Programs (MLTP) and imparted political and military training to all levels of leadership forces. It took up investigation into the changing social conditions due to the revolutionary movement, agrarian revolutionary programs and revolutionary reforms. We achieved some results.
There was a rise in the intensity and spread of guerrilla war actions all over the country in 2017. But we also lost subjective forces of the Party, PLGA and organs of the people in intense enemy attacks such as in Ramguda in 2016 October. The enemy also seized considerable number of arms and ammunition. However OGH could not achieve its target.
In 2017 April there was an ambush on the armed forces in Burkapal. This shook the ruling classes. A high level meeting was called on 8th May that formulated ‘SAMADHAN’, a new counter revolutionary plan — strategy and tactics to eliminate the Maoist movement in the place of, or in a way in continuation to OGH. A time period of five years was stipulated to eliminate the Maoist movement. The main points of ‘SAMADHAN’ that is presently
going on are -
1. Aggressive attacks instead of defensive methods, centralization of attacks on our guerrilla bases and strategic areas.
2. Aerial attacks and related mechanism.
3. Widen and strengthen intelligence through UAV, satellites, GPS, Thermal imaging, Infrared technology, CC TV Cameras and radars.
4. Unified Commands were formed until the district level that includes civil, police, Para-military and Air Force officers. Tactical Unified Commands also were formed.
5. Increased the number of state and local forces in combat operations, protection for road construction works and other such works through increase in area domination operations and ROP operations.
6. Take up evil propaganda in a large way branding us to be anti-development whenever we destroy the ‘development’ works such as communications-fiber optical network, Railway and electricity lines.
7. Take the support of Israel in counter insurgency and counter terrorist operations including import of ultra-modern, biotech arms and technology.
8. Sukma district was selected as the core area and special plan formulated. Two Battalions of COBRA were deployed.
9. Curb the financial resources in a bid to control Maoist activities.
‘SAMADHAN’ strategic offensive is meant to implement the agenda of formation of ‘new India’ by 2022, the 75th Anniversary of India’s ‘independence’. The ‘new India’ is nothing but the formation of Hindutva state. The Party explained ‘new India’ to the cadres and the people and formulated a concrete program to fight back ‘SAMADHAN’. Around 90 policemen were wiped out and 190 injured within one year of the offensive. One hundred of them were injured in the spike-holes prepared by the People’s Militia. PLGA seized 25–30 arms and various kinds of ammunition and other war material. There was a rise in people’s struggles in the areas of the movement apart from the other areas. The struggles include those against the aggressive CNT and SPT Acts in Jharkhand and the Land Acquisition Act. Petty bourgeois sections have been inevitably taking up struggles and the Party is trying to intervene in various forms in these struggles. The results are mainly positive in this period. The government claimed that it transformed 44 out of the 126 ‘Naxal-affected’ districts’ ‘Naxal-free’.
In 2019 PLGA held nearly 360 actions in the various guerilla zones and red resistance areas. It held nearly 70 actions on the enemy armed forces. There were around 130 encounters with the police, Para-military and Commando forces. 75 personnel of various forces were wiped out, 147 injured and 13 arms were seized. There was relative consolidation in this year. PLGA destroyed crores of rupees of comprador capitalist and government properties in 65 guerrilla actions together with the people. Struggle against the mining activities took an important place in this period. Attention was given to impart training in combat skills and technical skills of PLGA. United movement against Brahmanic Hindu fascism was initiated. Various programs were taken up to mobilise the people in the present political conditions by the party committees. A meeting of the Chief Ministers of Maoist influenced states in the leadership of the Central Home Minister formulated an Action Plan on 26th August 2019.
In this meeting it further planned to curb funds to the party, to contain the urban network, laying of more roads and cell towers in the areas of the movement, paying importance to the local youth in construction of roads, to private companies in the construction of cell towers, more banks, ATMs, post-offices to facilitate the tribal people use cash transaction, schools in ‘Ekalavya’ model. It was planned to encircle Maad a hilly area in Bastar of Chhattisgarh that is one of our strategic areas with 7 battalions. Utmost covert fascist repressive measures were also planned. The state governments also announced plans. The Chhattisgarh government announced the deceptive scheme to provide land certificates to people in Maad. The Telangana government announced recruitment of 18 thousand policemen.
In 2020 PLGA took up 99 guerrilla actions. The Minapa ambush in Chhattisgarh is the big action, 8 were medium kind actions and 90 small kind of actions. A unit of the Indian Army was sent in the guise of local forces for combing when PLGA made the attack. This was an answer to Operation ‘Prahar’ of the state government that is being taken up in phases.
In the past 20 years 2,958 armed personnel of the Indian state were wiped out and 3,507 were injured. 3,208 modern weapons of various kinds were seized from the enemy and 1,52,899 rounds of ammunition were seized. Due to OGH from 2009 to 2017 and the ongoing ‘SAMADHAN’ party, PLGA, Revolutionary Mass Organisations and Revolutionary People’s Committees were severely affected in the red resistance areas and the guerrilla zones. Several comrades starting from members of the Central Committee to the Village Party Committee and Cells, Commanders and fighters of PLGA of various ranks lost their lives in enemy attacks. Party and PLGA became weak with arrests, degeneration and betrayal. The main reason is the weakness in proper implementation of rules of guerrilla war and secret methods of work. In addition to it, there were shortcomings and weaknesses in formulating proper tactics of class struggle according to the changes in relations of production due to globalisation. This led to unfavorable aspects. Few guerrilla zones setback temporarily, some were affected or became weak. We had to retreat from a few or vacate totally.
On the occasion of 20th Anniversary of PLGA in 2020 (PLGA was formed on 2nd December 2000) the party gave a call to widen-intensify class struggle-guerrilla war in order to defeat the counter revolutionary ‘SAMADHAN’ and advance the revolutionary movement. The Party, PLGA and the organs of United Front were successful in defeating the ‘Prahar’ (Attack) campaign that the state announced in 2020 November that was to continue until 2021 June. Prahar included ten aspects. There are serious changes in the counter guerrilla war operations of the enemy armed forces. They are — encircling in two to three circles, attacking with artillery such as RPG and mortars and shelling of UBGLs. Presently there are more than 6 lakhs of police, Para-military and Commando forces in the areas of revolutionary movement. The state is making preparations for Prahar-3 in 2021 October. A meeting of Chief Ministers and state level Police officers was held in the leadership of the Central Home Minister on 26th September 2021 that discussed about special attention to suppress the Maoist movement.
The Party on the occasion of its 17th Anniversary called upon its cadres to build the Party strong and secret invincible to the enemy. It also called upon to intensify guerrilla war and class struggle and to defeat ‘SAMADHAN-Prahar’ offensive and advance the revolutionary movement. The people played vital role in the successes of People’s War.
Q: How much of India has been liberated by the Revolution, and is the Revolutionary Movement currently growing?
A: We have guerrilla zones with an aim of formation of base areas. Guerrilla zones have Guerrilla bases. Guerrilla bases are transitory nature. These guerrilla bases will constitute the focal points within the guerrilla zones for the development of a strong party, a strong people’s liberation army and united front, at the same time, creating favorable conditions for the establishment of liberated areas, expanding the political power in waves and quickening the tempo of the revolution. By intensifying the agrarian revolution in these bases land should be distributed on the bases of land to the tiller and cooperative movement among the people should be promoted for the development of agriculture. So the guerilla base is the embryonic form of the New Democratic state. Therefore the formation of the guerilla base means a significant advance in the process of building base area it will create a strong impact on the people in the areas around the guerilla base and will inspire them to participate in the people’s war more extensively.
The party is working with the objective to liberate Bihar-Jharkhand and Dandakaranya into liberated areas. There are Special Areas/Special Zones/States all over the country, the name differing in various states. There are ups and downs, twists and turns in the movement affected by the enemy offensive and subjective weaknesses. However, on the whole the party firmly believes that the Indian revolutionary movement is going forward with a clear objective of attaining people’s state power through accomplishing New Democratic Revolution possessed with the theory of Marxism-LeninismMaoism in the path of Protracted People’s War. The path is illumined with the sacrifices of the revolutionary people, activists, fighters and various levels of cadres of the Party, PLGA and the organs of the Strategic and Tactical United Front.
Q: Of course in the liberation zones, many policies have been instituted to serve the people. Could you describe what policies have been instituted, in healthcare and education for example?
A: Yes. Healthcare, education and all kinds of welfare activities for the people are taken up by the Revolutionary People’s Committees in the guerilla bases. The name is ‘Janatana Sarkar’ in Dandakaranya. In Bihar-Jharkhand the work was done by the Krantikari Kisan Committee (KKC) (Revolutionary Peasant’s Committee) and now RPCs are being built. The RPCs also take up land reforms. This I shall explain in the answer to your next question. RPC is the strategic united front of proletariat, peasantry, petty bourgeoisie and National bourgeoisie and has a policy paper. It has been working according to its policy paper.
The RPC has 9 departments, they are finance, defense, agriculture, health, education and cultural, judiciary, forest security and public relations. These departments and organizations look after health and provide the necessary treatment to people. The doctors from these departments go among the people daily to give treatment. The PLGA doctors train the RPC doctors and these in turn train those in the village level RPCs. They allot money for people’s health. The RPCs allot 20 percent of yearly budget for health. They also arrange to take serious patients to hospitals in the urban areas with financial and technical help of the higher level RPCs and the Party Committee. The doctors teach about cleanliness and take classes to impart scientific understanding about human body, diseases and way of treatment. They pay special attention to remove blind faiths among the people that still persist due to lack of even normal education for the past so many generations and also regarding women’s health. There is a lot of change when compared to the earlier time in the people’s view towards health. The health departments released books explaining general knowledge about health and Allopathic medicines. They also published books on herbal medicine with photos of the herbs. The doctors who are all tribal comrades are learning English to identify the names of Allopathic medicines.
Coming to education the Party allots special funds for this purpose. The RPCs are running schools at village level and also residential schools at panchayat level (constituting population between 500 to three thousand). It is interesting to know that the people are very keen to continue the schools in spite of heavy repression of the state. In such places the young ones are sent to stay in the village in the night and the older students and the teachers sleep in the forest. In the morning they make a reconnaissance in the surroundings and start the school only after clear message that there are no patrols around.
The RPCs are appointing some educated youth in the area as teachers and giving them a salary of Rs.2500–3000 Some teachers are full-time activists of the party. Staff members who are also part-timers and full-timers do cooking and do other things in the school. The students help them in fetching water, fire wood and so on. They also do the cleaning.
The concerned RPC looks after the material needed for the school such as uniform, slate, pencil, maps etc. It supplies vegetables and other food material grown in the collective farms of the RPC. The students also sow vegetables near the school ground. They collect food material on holidays.
The syllabus is framed, reviewed and improved by the Education Department Committee (EDC) of the DK Special Zonal Committee. The EDC prepared text books from Class 1 to 5. The students of the 1st and the 2nd classes are taught language (Gondi/Koya) and Mathematics. Hindi (language) and Social Science starts from the 3rd class. Education is taken up to the 8th standard with the help of the text books of the bourgeois government. The teachers of the schools of the RPC are trained in methods of teaching in workshops and training classes by the EDC. The schools are showing a good impact on the people of the area.
A cultural team is formed out of the students in every school. Attention is also paid on sports. The Chetna Natya Manch (CNM) trains them in singing and dancing.
Q: One issue of great importance for your revolution is genuine land reform. Could you explain what measures have been made to accomplish this?
A: The land question had been being addressed by the revolutionary movement since the inception of the two genuine communist revolutionary parties in 1969 that merged into the CPI (Maoist) in 2004. The party takes Agrarian Revolution as the axle of New Democratic Revolution and so it is keen on distributing land to the landless and the poor and to bring a change in the Relations of Production. The Revolutionary Mass Organisations in the leadership of the Party have been doing this and after its formation Revolutionary People’s Committees took up the task.
In the 80s decade we raised land issue in the agrarian revolution. In the initial stages people occupied forest lands, government lands, temple lands, and lastly the lands of landlords. Whenever, people occupied the lands of landlords, they organized private armies to massacre the leaders of the movement. The armed movement rooted out the private armies and dismantled the landlords from rural area. After that the state machinery directly entered into the fray, and continuing in suppressing the movement. Police, Para military, Special forces, special commando forces and some units of army are deploying in the struggling areas. Since then the revolutionary movement is facing with the counter-revolutionary onslaught. The land struggle took place in coastal region, Telangana, Rayalseema, regions of Andhrapradesh, Jahanabhad, Patna, Ara, Arwal, Hajaribhag, Palamu, Gaya, Aurangabad, Bopkaro of Bihar-Jharkhand and some parts of Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Orissa, Maharastra. The infamous cruel private armies were Ranveer sena, Sanlight sena, Kurmi sena, Lorik sena like that.
RPC is taking up ‘Land levelling Campaign’ since 2011. A report of this campaign would give a picture of the ongoing land reforms. In the beginning a detailed survey was conducted regarding land holding of the families in the villages in the RPC. The survey was based on the understanding provided in the document Strategy and Tactics of Indian Revolution. The third chapter of the document ‘Class analysis of the Indian society’ explains the character, condition and consciousness of the existing classes in the Indian society. Regarding peasants, it stated –
‘Generally the landless peasants, including the agricultural labourers do not have land and agricultural tools of their own. They live by either totally or mainly selling their labour power. The landless and poor peasants face not only economic exploitation but also social oppression as they come basically from backward castes, tribes and Dalits. Due to these extra-economic forms of coercion they live a life of, not only starvation, but also marginalization on the fringes of society. Most of the poor peasants own lands nominally or rent in small plots of land. Similarly some have meager agricultural tools. In addition to paying land rent and interest, they sell their own labour power and hence they are exploited in all these forms.
‘They constitute 65–70% of the rural population. Of all classes that are existing in Indian society, the poor and landless peasants are the basic motive forces and are the firmest ally of the proletariat.’
Revolutionary Mass Organisations propagated the political aspect of the campaign. Chetan Naty Manch released audio and video programs on the occasion that provided an understanding of the campaign to the people. All the party committees, PLGA units and organs of Revolutionary Mass Organisations take part along with the RPCs and the people in the campaign. The survey of the RPCs in the village level included the details of land holdings, agricultural implements, cattle to till and work force in each and every family. According to these details it assessed the class of the family –landless, poor, middle and rich peasant.
Workshops were held to discuss the survey reports in the area level (comprising of around 100–150 villages). The workshop examined the assessments and finalized the reports of the various RPCs of the area. It decided and allotted budget for each RPC. Initially the campaign was to provide land for the landless and also level the land with the objective to increase production. People do the work collectively according to the plan of the RPC. In a few RPCs people raise funds on their own for the campaign. Many landless families obtained land in this campaign.
After a few years the campaign constituted other works also such as laying of ponds to solve shortage of water and for irrigation and construction of houses. As years passed, some RPCs also laid bridges on the small but fast flowing brooks to facilitate free movement of the villagers especially to the weekly markets to get goods of daily needs.
Families of martyrs, those of political prisoners and those of full-time members of the Party and PLGA are helped in these yearly campaigns. The campaign is taken up from January and ends around mid-February. ‘Bhoomkal divas’ is celebrated with the fervor of the success of the campaign on 10th February. As per the decision of the Party the day is celebrated as that of people’s state power. The government and the police forces know of the campaign and try to disturb it. 80 Encounters took place almost all over the Dandakaranya Special Zone during the campaigns in which 50 members of the people’s militia, Mass organisations and ordinary people lost their lives and another 25 were injured. Hundreds were arrested. Therefore the RPCs arrange sentry and patrols around the villages for the protection of the people and to see that the campaign does not disturb. The RPC also engages its doctors to treat the people participating in the campaign.
In the past little above ten years, the campaign was taken up in 3,507 villages in 573 panchayats. 9,053 poor families, 3,219 middle peasants, 509 rich peasants were helped in cultivation. In addition to these families, 838 families of martyrs, 920 families of prisoners, 2,181 families of full-time PLGA members were helped. The total amounts to 33,440 families and 34,324 acres of land newly tilled, levelled or repaired.
It is true that much has to be done. The movement is facing ceaseless repressive campaigns of the state and the party and its two other magic weapons are finding ways to continue work among the people in various sectors.
Q: Another area of great importance for the Indian Revolution is the liberation of women. The late Comrade Anuradha Ghandy made significant contributions to this cause, and I would recommend our readers read her work, Philosophical Trends in the Feminist Movement. Would you explain how the Indian Revolution has advanced this cause?
A: Women are the most oppressed social section in the society. They are half of the society. They do most of the labor in the house and also in production mainly in agriculture. But they do not have rights in property, decision and children. Naturally this condition leads women to think about their liberation. As the revolutionary movement in the country gained strength the women of the oppressed classes namely the proletariat, peasants and the petty bourgeois are increasingly realising that this is the path for them to go forward. They are mobilized into mass organisations through which they develop consciousness of their emancipation. There are few woman comrades of the urban areas who got in touch with a Mass Organisation in the process of solving their personal problem, became active members of the organisation, learnt about revolution and armed struggle, understood that the emancipation of women can be attained only in the process of emancipation of the entire oppressed classes and joined the party. They are now in various levels of leadership.
Women possess enormous strength. Our Party and PLGA led many class struggles against the enemy including patriarchy and brought a change in the society to some extent. Our Party is making strenuous efforts to shed patriarchal values among the cadres in three fronts, the Party, the PLGA and UF organisation and explore the strength and creativity of women cadres.
Q: What is the position of the CPI (Maoist) on the issue of Kashmir?
A: The people of Kashmir have been struggling for their ‘independence’ since Gulab Singh Dogra came to power in Kashmir in 1846. The Dogra rule in Kashmir ended with the surrender of the King of Dogra Raja Hari Singh to the Indian Union in 1947. Kashmir unified in the Indian Union on 26th October 1947 with the agreement to ‘solve the problem through plebiscite’ and became part of the fascist rule of the Indian exploitive rulers.
When communal riots broke in Kashmir in 1947 October, nearly two and a half lakh Muslim people died and Raja Hari Singh fled to Jammu. Later the Indian rulers forged a letter with back date of appointment of the leader of National Conference Shek Abdullah as the Prime Minister of Kashmir and brought him to power. Elections were held in Kashmir in 1951 in which the National Conference was elected to 73 seats out of the 75 without contention. Shek Abdullah made an agreement with Nehru to provide special powers to Jammu-Kashmir. According to it the powers of the centre were limited in Kashmir.
Article 370 was formulated in the Constitution overnight to cool down the burning problem of Kashmir. The Article gave special status to Kashmir. They agreed that India shall not interfere except for foreign affairs, defense, currency and other such issues. According to this agreement the acts of the Indian Parliament do not apply to Kashmir. The leader of the state was provided the status of Prime Minister. They were provided self-rule authority to make their own acts. But none of them came into practice.
Finally Article 370 and also 35A was annulled and Kashmir was officially deprived special status. It was totally annexed into the Indian government. The Indian rulers have been drowning the nationality liberation struggle of the Kashmir people in blood and belittling it in the domestic and international forums as separatism, that the activists of Kashmir are instigated by Pakistan, that the movement is cross border terrorism and is disruptive. They are conspiring in many ways to demean the struggle of the people fighting for the survival of their nationality, for their right to separate and right to self-determination and to gain validity for their repressive measures.
Our party supports the movement of the Kashmir nationality. Our party makes it clear that in the ‘Indian People’s Democratic Republic’ that would be formed in the leadership of revolutionary proletariat all the nationalities of the country shall have the right to separate and right to self-determination, that they shall have proper solution for their problems and that the way for their permanent liberation shall be facilitated.
Q: Another issue facing India is the oppressive caste system. What is the CPI (Maoist)’s position on this issue, and how does it plan to resist this oppressive system?
A: Our Party treats the caste issue as one peculiar to Indian society. Our Party says that just as the people were divided into different classes, they were also divided into different castes and so, we should have a clear approach towards the issue generally as well as particularly. In our basic documents ‘Party Program’ and ‘Strategy and Tactics of Indian Revolution’ passed by the Unity Congress-Ninth Congress of our new Party in 2007, we clearly mentioned that we have to mobilise the people of Dalit and backward castes and also democratic forces in other castes and build a strong movement on this particular problem with the objective of New Democratic Revolution –
‘…The Caste system is not only a super-structural phenomena but it is also a part of the economic base. For this reason the destruction of the caste system, including the eradication of untouchability, together with a struggle against all manifestations of Brahmanism, is a necessary part of the NDR in the country. Casteism and Brahmanism are essentially elitist, hierarchical, and gives people a sense of superiority over other castes lower than theirs from very birth itself and all this is sanctified in the name of religion. It is also a deadly weapon with which to divide the oppressed masses. Such an elitist structure is ideal for any exploitative system.” (Strategy and Tactics, Page 6).
“Caste-based Brahmanical feudalism acts as fetter on the development of the productive forces by holding down the vast majority of the Indian people under backward relations of production. Economically, it keeps the overwhelming majority of the people in dire poverty and destitution, and depresses their purchasing power. It thereby, restricts the growth of the home market, retards industrial development and leads to massive unemployment and stagnation of the economy. Politically, it suppresses the democratic rights of the masses and in some places, even creates a ‘state within a state’ i.e. a parallel landlord raj in the rural areas with their own private armies or with the support of state-hired armed mercenaries. It keeps the peasantry in perpetual subjugation and bondage. Socially and ideologically, Brahmanism and the caste system bring an added oppression to the oppressed castes and Dalits. With Dalits it takes the inhuman form of untouchability. These also act as measures for extra-economic forms of extracting surplus by the feudal interests.” (Strategy and Tactics, Page 8).
“Casteism is used for derailing the actual struggles of the oppressed castes directed against imperialism, feudalism and comprador bureaucrat capitalism.” (Party Program, Page 8)
We took up many struggles against the class exploitation, oppression and domination of the landlord and the hierarchical forces and against the social untouchability, atrocities, suppression and physical attacks in the rural areas of many states in the country. When the landlord hierarchical oppressor caste chauvinist forces massacred Dalits in Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra we stood very firmly on behalf of the victims and took up largescale propaganda and protest activities exposing these cruelties. We wiped out such reactionary forces in places like Lakshmanpur Bathe, Senari, Dalil Chowk-Bhagoura, and Karamchedu. In Bihar, starting from the end of the 1970s until the last decade evil landlord caste hierarchical forces formed Brahmarshi Sena, Bhoomi Sena, Savarna Liberation Front, Sunlight Sena, Ranaveer Sena and other such armies with the support of the leaders of the political parties of the exploitative classes and the state-administration and made medieval-type massacres and innumerous atrocities on the people of the Dalit and other oppressed classes and oppressed castes with the objective of eliminating the revolutionary movement. The oppressed people armed under the leadership of the Party suppressed these armies and the leaders one by one and only thus the revolutionary movement advanced.
One great achievement is that the oppressed people of the Dalit, backward castes and adivasis trained in class struggle and their leadership increased not only in the village-level Mass Organisations, Revolutionary People’s Committees, Party, People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army but also at the state and the central level.
Anyhow, our experience proves that our attempts are not enough as per the structure of the problem. The various class organisations and sectional organisations in the leadership of our Party will politically mobilise the people of the Dalit and other oppressed castes, democratic classes and sections and build movements against caste oppression with the objective of annihilation of caste. In view of the extent and impact of the present movement we have to make efforts to develop the struggles on this issue to a higher level. We have to coordinate these struggles with Agrarian Revolutionary Struggle and Anti-Imperialist struggles and take it up in an effective manner. Our class organisations must coordinate their activities with the various special organisations and forums of United Front working on this issue.
Q: One group of people who have formed a backbone of the Indian Revolutionary movement are the Adivasis. Could you explain their role in the Indian Revolution, both historically and presently?
A: India has a great history of anti-British tribal struggles. The tribal people all over the country revolted against the loot and plunder of the British imperialists. To mention some of them, the Santhal revolt in the then Bengal presidency (that now falls in the state of Jharkhand), Munda revolt of the present Jharkhand, Paralkot, Bhoomkal revolts of Bastar in the present Chhattisgarh, the revolt in Gadchiroli of Maharashtra, the Manyam Pituri of Andhra Pradesh shook the British rule although for a short time. Apart from the international economic and political situation, the tribal revolts considerably forced the British to leave the country. While the feudal comprador class of the country collaborated with the British and agreed to take up power on their behalf, the tribal and peasant population continued militant struggles.
The tradition continued in the rule of the comprador bureaucratic bourgeois class of the country. There were certain tribal revolts after transfer of power from the British to the Indian compradors in 1947. The revisionist CPI and CPI (Marxist) shed the genuine path of revolution and deceived the people of the country. The Naxalbari Armed Peasant struggle divorced from the revisionist path gave it a big blow and showed the path of Indian Revolution. Since the formation of genuine Communist parties after the struggle the tribal revolts are going on not as mere tribal revolts but as part of Maoist Protracted People’s War.
The ongoing struggles of the tribal people mainly include those for jal-junglezameen-ijjat-adhikar (meaning water-forest-land-respect-power) and against displacement. The tribal people and their ally classes, the workers, peasants, petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie are very clear that anti-displacement struggles are not just struggles for survival and identity and that they are part of the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal, anti-comprador bureaucratic bourgeois class struggle of the country.
The tribal people of the guerrilla zones of the country are organized in the PPW in the Party, People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA), Revolutionary Mass Organisations, Revolutionary People’s Committees, People’s Militia and other such organs. As you said they are the backbone since strategically the Party makes preparations for seizure of power from the relatively backward forest areas.
Q: Lastly, what is the CPI (Maoist)’s advice for the international proletariat, and how can friends of the Indian people’s war abroad support it?
A: You can support the Indian revolutionary movement by intensifying revolutionary movements in your countries and directly raise your voice in support of Indian movement. People’s livelihood was suffocated all through the world in the second wave of Corona pandemic. Official statistics show above 44 lakh deaths all over the world and above 4 lakhs in India. Scientists warn the world about the possibility of third wave and other forms of COVID. Instead of providing the necessary facilities of health the imperialists and their comprador rulers utilize this severe calamity to increase their wealth. Lockdowns rose economic and financial crisis of the capitalist order.
Cutting the wages, abolishing other benefits cut in other benefits, rising prices and other such anti-people, anti-worker measures are being taken up as a part of weighing the crisis on the shoulders of the farmers and middle classes. This is making the lives of ordinary people including the workers miserable. There is manifold increase in the wealth of the capitalists.
There are militant demonstrations and agitations of workers and the middle class in European countries including France and Germany and also in the US this year. There are protest demonstrations and various forms of agitations in Iraq, Kampuchea, Peru, Chile, Lebanon, Ecuador, India, Pakistan and other countries. Women and youth are increasingly participating in these demonstrations. The people are mounting with anger due to lack of employment, education, health and other such basic facilities, high prices, GDP growth rate without employment, destruction of environment and other such things.
The fundamental contradictions in the world are intensifying in an unprecedented manner. This is leading to the intensification of people’s struggles. The direction of these demonstrations and agitations all over the world against the corporate exploitation and the difference between the rich and the poor is undoubted towards the alternate economic order.
In such conditions the proletariat of all the countries need to strengthen unity and make steadfast struggle against imperialism with the objective to liberate their own countries, work towards the construction of Socialism to achieve Communism in the whole world.